Were You Arrested For DUI In The Greater Chicago Metropolitan Area?
Have you been charged with a DUI in the Windy City? Even for a first offense, it’s a good idea to hire a qualified attorney, because a conviction can mean the loss of your driver’s license, fines and even jail time. When you need a DUI defense attorney in Chicago, Illinois, or the surrounding suburbs, the Fabbrini Law Group is an excellent choice.
Our DUI Lawyers Will Fight For You
At the Fabbrini Law Group, our drunk driving attorneys are successful litigators who fight to win. We’ve taken hundreds of cases to trial, and won’t accept a plea deal unless it’s really in your best interest. We will subpoena evidence, challenge the officer’s testimony and reports, and attempt to have the charges against you reduced or dismissed. If your license has been suspended or revoked, we can help with that too.
We are passionate about our practice, and our eye for detail and expert research have allowed us to win numerous cases for clients who were improperly arrested for DUI. The Fabbrini Law Group has successfully challenged the results of field sobriety tests and Breathalyzer tests, and proved that our clients were stopped illegally or were not read their rights.
Supportive, Compassionate And Nonjudgmental
At Fabbrini Law Group we are committed to providing personal attention and excellent service to all our clients. We know that a DUI charge is stressful, and we’re here to help. We’ll take the time to listen to your story, and ensure that you understand what’s happening at every stage of your case. We’re as compassionate with our clients as we are aggressive with our opponents — while also offering the sophistication you’d expect from a larger firm.
We have saved our clients thousands of dollars in court costs and fees, and most importantly, saved our clients from having DUI or DWI convictions on their record. That’s why we receive so many referrals from satisfied former clients and other attorneys.
Don’t Despair — We’re On Your Side
If you’re facing a DUI charge, contact us today to set up a free consultation so that our lawyers can begin to fight your case immediately. Call 312-494-3131 to get the Fabbrini Law Group on your side.
Our law firm supports a diverse clientele. We have attorneys and staff fluent in the following languages: Spanish, Russian and Polish.
What are the penalties for first-time DUI?
A first time DUI is generally a class A misdemeanor. This means you can be sentenced up to 364 days in jail and up to $2500 in fines. In certain circumstances, you can be charged with a felony, even if it is your first DUI. These would include situations such as driving on a suspended or revoked license, having a passenger in the car less than 16 years of age, driving without insurance, or causing an accident with injury. If your DUI is charged as a class 4 felony, you could be looking at anywhere from 1 to 3 years in jail.
What is a statutory summary suspension?

Aside from the criminal DUI charges, your license will automatically be suspended when you are charged with a DUI. This is what is known as a statutory summary suspension. The suspension can range from 6 months for a breathalyzer result of .08 or greater to 12 months for refusing a breathalyzer. You must file paperwork with the court to challenge the suspension, otherwise it will take effect on the 46th day following your arrest. If you have had a prior summary suspension within the last five years the penalties will increase to 12 months for a breathalyzer result of .08 or greater and 36 months or refusing a breathalyzer.
If my license is suspended for DUI can I get a permit to drive to work?
The state of Illinois has eliminated judicial driving permits. These were permits that allowed people to drive to and from work during the period of their summary suspension. Now the only relief for people with a summary suspension is to install an MDDP. (See below for more information).
What is a MDDP?
A MDDP is a monitored device driving permit. It is a breathalyzer that installs in your car. It is available for people with a summary suspension. It is the only way you can legally drive if your summary suspension is in effect. These devices have to be rented and installed in your vehicle by certified MDDP providers.
Can I expunge my DUI arrest?
DUI sentences are not eligible for expungement or sealing. The only way to clear a DUI from your record is to be found not guilty. If you were found not guilty, you will still have to apply for expungement or sealing of your DUI.
What happens if I am convicted of DUI?
If you are convicted of a DUI, your drivers license and will be revoked for a minimum of one year. If it is your second offense you are looking at a five-year revocation. A third offense carries with it a 10 year revocation while a fourth offense would be a lifetime revocation. If you are under the age of 21 at the time of your DUI conviction, your drivers license
How much does a DUI lawyer cost?
Prices for quality DUI lawyers vary based on the charges you are facing and your prior driving history. Generally someone with a good driving record who’s facing a first time DUI can expect the cost to be anywhere from $2500-$3000. While there are many lawyers that advertise fees as low as $500, it is our experience that these lawyers will put little to no work into your case, will not challenge the suspension of your license, and will generally only give you the option of pleading guilty. While it may seem economical at first, the true cost of failing to fight your case properly and pleading guilty can be upwards of $5000 when you factor in court costs, the inability to drive, and other fines associated with DUI arrests.
Can I get a DUI for having marijuana (pot, weed) in my system?
While most people associate DUIs with alcohol, you can be arrested for DUI by simply having marijuana in your system. The state is not required to prove that you are high at the time of the arrest, it is simply sufficient that any amount of marijuana is found in your system.
I was arrested for DUI. Now what?
The very first thing you should do is call a quality DUI lawyer. You have only a limited time to challenge the summary suspension of your license, as well as preserve evidence that may be beneficial to your case. Our DUI lawyers are experienced in fighting these cases and are in court on a daily basis. Often we can appear in court on the same day you call us to start fighting the suspension of your license.
I was arrested for DUI but I was not driving. What can I do?
“Driving” in the state of Illinois is defined as “possession and control of a motor vehicle”. This can mean simply being in a car with the keys in your pocket. The car does not have to be running. Oftentimes, we have seen situations where people are arrested for DUI when they are found sleeping in their car. If this happens to you, you should contact our lawyers right away. We have had great success in defending these types of cases.